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Joule Denizaltısı:![]()
1 Mayıs 1915’de Çanakkale mayın hatlarını geçmeye çalışırken birkaç mayını patlatmış ve bütün mürettebatıyla birlikte Kephez yakınlarında Çanakkale boğazının en kısa olduğu bölgelerde batmış 6 Ağustos 1915'de Fransız resmi gazetesinde kayıp haberi vardır. Gemi 44 metre derinlikte 29 mürettebatıyla birlikte yatmaktadır ve hiç el değmemiş durumdadır. Ancak bu bölgede gemi trafiğinin çok fazla olmasından dolayı buraya dalış zordur. Kaptan Louis Aubert du Petit Thouars de Saint Georges7 Şubat 1882'de Loudun'da Georges-Charles-Henri'nin ikinci oğlu olarak doğdu. Aile geleneği sayesinde denizle içiçe büyüdü. Daha sonra Donanma Okuluna hazırlık olması için annesi tarafından Jesuits okuluna gönderildi. Mükemmel hazırlandığı Donanma okuluna 100 kişiden 18. olarak 1 Ekim 1899'da 17 yaşındayken kabul edilir. 26 Aralık 1911'de kaptan olur. Kasım 1914'de Joule denizaltısına komutan olarak atanır. 15 Nisan 1915'de Çanakkale operasyonlarınd Admiral Boué of Lapeyrère komutasında görev yapmak üzere bölgeye gönderildi. 28 Nisan'da boğazı geçip Türk Taşıma gemilerine saldırma görevi aldı. Ancak 1 Mayıs'da boğazı geçerken mayına çarparak denizaltısıyla beraber ebedi yerini aldığı düşünülüyor. Agamemnon, 2 Mayıs'da bu denizaltıya ait olduğu düşünülen kalıntılara rastlamış. İkinci kaptanı Sign Fortoul (G.L.). ![]() Komutanları tarafından annesine yollanmış mektuplarVessel lieutenant Defforges'in MektubuTénédos, May 9 1915 Madam, I have the last one squeezed the hand of your son before his departure for this fatal recognition of which it did not have to return. Having had the happiness to make his acquaintance to the maneuvers of 1914, I had been located more more more particularly more secured with him since the beginning of our commune existence in the adriatic. April 15, we left both of them for the Dardanelles. The admiral that liked it and the appreciated by over all other the particularly had chosen for this country and had been done me the very big honor to join my building to his. We had thus become frêres and since this moment it did not be any day where it not me confiat its hopes of some beautiful and useful actions. April 28, the English admiral entrusted us the care of an offensive recognition in the Dardanelles, between Chanak and Nagara. As the oldest one, I left the next day and I will see it always me being said with his generous soul: "That I envy in this moment your seniority! ". Returned from this recognition with an undeserved happiness, I him communiquai the pieces of information that I had been able to collect and, a lot of enthusiasm and of fervor, it kissed me to evenings of his departure in the night of April 30 to the 1st May and put back me the letter that I taken my dear mother to send you. I J'attendis in vain his return, and new of source enemy we apprirent that it had fallen glorious for France. I liked it and I admired it; we liked it all of a deep allocation and the admired in secret for his beautiful chivalrous character, for the nobility of his soul and his modesty despite his recognized value of us all. I you very respectful request to allow me to associate my brotherly sorrow to your immense pain. The name of our dear friend and brother of weapons will remain forever engraved in our heart; it will be synonymous loyalty, of valor and of heroic sacrifice as it was it already in the annalses of a glorious one passed. Letter of the order of Courteous one (his cousin) on board Doll. Dardanelles, June 24 1915 I will always remember of this evening that preceded the climbed Joule. Louis had accepted dividing our dinner of the Doll and it had been also by train, also enthusiast, as brilliant as possible. After the meal, we had discussed the envisaged operation and, card to the hand, we had weighed the pros and cons: Louis was said me very clearly this sentence that hit me: "If I leave, I will go to the end, although it arrives, and I will not remain living to the hands of the Turks". And it was so calm, as determined as if it had been a question of an exercise, to such not at all as my second, an old reservist pirate, that itself there knows each other in men, did this reflection: "This officer is someone, and if one must succeed this is him that will succeed! ". You knew certainly the professional value, the moral qualities, the beautiful character of Louis. To the view point professional, it had a reputation deserve worker, of sea direction, of boss; everyone returned him justice, its superior ones, its friends, its inferior ones that considered it as the better one ordering of submarine one: for my party, I appreciated it of a manner all special one, for it loved his trade and possèdait the sacred fire. As sailor, in a word, it was the hope of the navy! One can say that in his promotion and in the body of the officiate the same feeling reigned, affection and admiration, without a voice dissonnante; this is in my opinion the most beautiful praise to do him. At last under the report of the character, it was the very integrity, the incarnate honor, the indifference more complete for the vanities of the trade; I reproached him well often his modesty, but I not never the was able to do to allot of his reserve. Louis will be one of the more beautiful and nobler victims of this terrible war; and if your pain can console itself, she will find consolations in the memories, the regrets, the unanimous praises, allocation, the admiration of all for this model of the officers. Letter of the vessel lieutenant Psychic, ordering the submarine Amp Brindisi, May 24 1916 I received with emotion photographes it of your admirable one and well-loved son, I placed it on board of my submarine one above my sleeping car. She is next to two others photographes, the three alone that be in my room; the a the one of my elder brother, killed glorious on his airplane beyond the Rhine, and the other of my friend Morillot that was the friend, the student fascinated of your son, his successor on the Monge and a hero that we revere. The tears came me to the eyes while reviewing so living the physionomie of the friend that I liked so. The men, that liked your son with this instinctive direction of our sailors for the one that they feel race of the big bosses, came in my room to see his photograph and I understood that their thoughts had joined themselves to mine towards the one that was our model. For would not know you to believe the popularity or rather the admiration that our crews had for your son. When one announced that his submarine one returned, one climbed to see it approached. I review it again on his link, returning from a crossed length and approaching my submarine one to Navarin, I review it under its sea clothing that did not remove nothing to his sveltesse and to his distinction, I review its eyes limpides and good, I hear his clear voice and vibrating. Ah! that it was accomplished! As envy us all this perfect bodies that put it so above us! His memory with all those that the approached not perish and will be pious kept! The time that obliterates so many memories can only to embellish the one that we preserve of him, if it remained at friendship or to the vénération some traits that were not traced by his own life. ![]() GERİ |