Samsun Destroyer Ship Wreck
Samsun Destroyer has been completed in 1907 by Normand in France. She was a Durandal class French destroyer.
They were
built with a turtledeck forecastle with two masts and two funnels. This class had
ajor problems with their boilers.
Size: 57.5m * 6.3m * 3.17m
Weight: 280 tons
Speed: 28 knots
Complement: 52
Engine Power: 4800 hp
Guns: 1 6,5cm gun
6 4,7cm guns
2 45cm torpedo tube
According to the Turkish resources, Samsun destoryer under the command of Lt. Cdr. Nezir Abdullah from Uskudar
has been sunked near Hora (Khora) in sea of Marmara in 14th of August 1915 by the English submarine E-11. But
according to the foreign sources "COnway's" and "Jane's Fighting Ships", this ship survived the war
with her two sister ships from the same class.
The photograph is another ship's from Durandal class.