Ships that had been sunked in Marmara Sea in World War I:
Ships that had been sunked in Marmara Sea in World War I:
Bahrisefit Steamer
She weighted 1500 tons. She had been sunked near Erdek harbour in 19th of August
1915 by E2 submarine.
Bitinye Steamer
She weighted 1280 tons. She had been sunked in front of Bergos in 2nd of june 1915 by
E11 Submarine.
Nur ül Bahir (Nur-ek Bahir , Nurel Bahir) Gunboat
She weighted 450 tons. She had been sunked in Marmara sea in 1st of May 1915 by E-14 Submarine.
Seyhun Steamer
She weighted 1500 tons. She had been sunked in front of Akbas in 5th og August 1915 by
E-11 Submarine.
Peleng-i Derya
She had been completed in 1890. She weighted 900 tons.
Under the command of Nasmith, E-11 submarine had come near Bakirkoy, Istanbul in 23rd of
May 1915 and sunked Peleng-i Derya gunboat there.
You can reach more information about this boat in the library of Istanbul University with these reference numbers:
Peleng-i Derya Vapuru 91090/2,6
Peleng-i Derya Vapuru-Askerleri 91090/19
Plevne Ship
She weighted 1500 tons. She had been sunked by E11 submarine in Sarkoy in 23rd August 1915.